Thursday, July 7, 2011

Irresponsibles Abusing Palouse, Wash., Chipper Site

Irresponsible people are frequently abusing the chipper/compost facility in Palouse, Wash., to the point where continuation of the service is in major jeopardy of being discontinued.

Recently, three public works crewmembers chipped from 9:30 a.m until 3:30 p.m., taking much longer than it should have and thus costing the city too much time and money, and taking valuable staff time away from other projects. That day's unwanted but dumped debris included miscellaneous junk, including a metal yard ornament, trash bags, bottles, cans and bottles, a shrub with root ball, and a log with multiple nails sticking out of it. The nails especially were dangerous and would have caused costly damage, had the log gotten into the chipper. Root balls belong in your trash, not the chipping facility. Also, extra large juniper bushes that don't fit in the chipper forced the crew to lift and load them by hand and haul them off.

"As residents who purchased chipper/compost permits know, the facility is a great asset for residents of Palouse," a city spokesperson said. "We don’t want anything that won't fit into our chipper. Everything that you dump in the chipper pile should be able to fit into the chipper AS IS. We implore you to be prudent with your dumping, re-read your permit and instructions, and call with questions. Also, please report any abuse to City Hall.
"Thank you for your cooperation. Unfortunately, all it takes is a few abusers to ruin it for everyone and city staff realize it’s only a handful of people abusing the site," the spokesperson said.

Palouse Public Works Supt. Griffin will be discussing the feasibility of continuing the program with City Council.

The North Palouse Washington e-Newscast,

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