Monday, January 21, 2013

Marine Moms-Bethesda Prepares First 2013 Luncheon For Wounded Wariors

Marine Moms-Bethesda is gearing up for our first luncheon of 2013!
Katie has taken the lead this month and has a great menu planned with the help of the January Crew! They’ll be on the 4th floor this coming Sunday, January 27th with a menu fit for a RAVEN’S WIN! Or will it be a 49er’s win??? We’ll have to wait a little longer to find out...
Please join us in supporting our combat wounded, injured and ill Warriors by sending a note of support and encouragement for us to give them while we are there. Emailed notes can be sent to
Terri will format all of the notes we receive into a word document and we’ll print them out to distribute on your behalf. Deadline for January’s notes is Wednesday evening, January 24th. Thanks so much for letting them know they are not forgotten!
More information about our Notes4Bethesda campaign is here: