Are you looking for scholarships for your college-bound student? The Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation offers needs-based scholarships to children of Marines and Corpsmen.
Marine Scholarship Foundation. Applications are being accepted January 1 -- March 1, 2013.
Applicants must be the son or daughter of one of the following:
Heroes Tribute Scholarship Program for Children of the Wounded
Good luck to you and your Senior as you navigate the college process!
Marine Scholarship Foundation. Applications are being accepted January 1 -- March 1, 2013.
Applicants must be the son or daughter of one of the following:
- Active duty or reserve U.S. Marine;
- Veteran U.S. Marine who has received an honorable discharge, medical discharge, was wounded, or was killed while serving in the U.S. Marine Corps;
- Active duty or reserve U.S. Navy Corpsman who is serving or has served with a U.S. Marine unit;
- Veteran U.S. Navy Corpsman who has served with a U.S. Marine unit and has received an honorable discharge, medical discharge, was wounded, or was killed in the U.S. Navy.
- 4th Marine Division Association of WWII
- 5th Marine Division Association of WWII
- 6th Marine Division Association of WWII
- 531 Gray Ghost Squadron Association
- 3rd Battalion/26th Marines Association
- Basic Class 3-56 Graduate
- Marines' Memorial Association
- USMC Combat Helicopter Association
Heroes Tribute Scholarship Program for Children of the Wounded
Good luck to you and your Senior as you navigate the college process!