Monday, August 13, 2012

Organizing a Worley Historical Society to be Discussed, August 16, 2012

Catherine Morris announced there will be a meeting on Thursday, August 16 at 1:00 p.m. at the Worley Senior Center to discuss organizing a Worley Historical Society.
Keith Peterson of the Idaho Historical Society in Boise will be there to explain the procedures necessary to set up a local society. Election of officers will be on the agenda, which the state said needs to be the first priority.
Ms. Morris will report on the presentation she made to the Plummer/Worley Board of Trustees regarding the Worley School building, and on other information she gathered since the last meeting.
Interested persons who are unable to attend this meeting may call Ms. Morris at 686-1454 to leave ideas or suggestions.
Lunch will be served at noon at the Senior Center, with a posted menu of pork chops, mashed potatoes and gravy. If you wish to eat lunch before the meeting and are not a regular diner, please call Brenda at Worley City Hall 686-1258 by Wednesday to make a reservation.