Date correction received for "Run What'cha Brung" motorcycle races to benefit veterans: July 20-21, 2012.
On July 20 - 21, 2012, the third annual veterans benefit will held in Old Town, Idaho (adjacent to Newport). The "Run What'cha Brung" event benefits the American Legion Riders and Second Shot. Second Shot funds "Spontaneous Acts of Kindness" exclusively for military veterans. American Legion Riders are one of the most proactive organizations for helping veterans and veteran causes.
What makes this event different and spectacular are the street races. They are held right in the street - all with the blessings of the Town Council of Old Town! Where else can you do that?
Last year, so many people wanted to race (so many times) that the races went way overtime. The point is - if you like to go fast, this is your chance to show off, and watch other people at their fastest.
Vendor set-up is on Friday, July 20, 2012.
Set-up party is on Friday, July 20, 2012.
Street Races are on Saturday, July 21, 2012.
To get flyers about the event, contact Mike Lovas, (509) 465-5599, Second Shot,