October 22, 2013 is National Nut Day in the US and the United Kingdom!
Medical studies have shown that eating nuts reduces hypertension and the risks associated with heart disease. Nuts are also full of protein, fiber, and unsaturated fat. Did you know that peanuts are not really nuts? They are legumes and belong to the bean family. Some popular types of nuts include pecans, walnuts, pistachios, almonds, and macadamia nuts.
Celebrate National Nut Day and eat lots of nuts as a snack or on top of your favorite desserts! The UK is being urged to go nuts for the environment by swapping burgers for bags of nuts on Tuesday October 22nd 2013 to celebrate National Nut Day.
October 22, 2013 is also International Caps Lock Day, created in 2000 by Derek Arnold of Iowa. This holiday began as a parody. It was intended to poke fun at those individuals who unnecessarily capitalize letters, words, and phrases. The day became so popular with internet users that it is now celebrated twice a year—on June 28 and on October 22.
Hit your caps lock button and celebrate INTERNATIONAL CAPS LOCK DAY!