Left to right: Princess Alysha Thomas (Liberty HS), Queen Jami Pratt (Freeman HS) and Princess Kirsten Fuchs (Freeman HS)
2013 South East Spokane County Fair Royalty
The entrants included:
- Kirsten, sponsored by Rockford Historical Society
- Alysha, sponsored by Rockford V.F.W, Ladies
- Melaney, sponsored ty Rockford Firebells
- Kelsey, sponsored by McIntosh Grange
- Jamie, sponsored by Rockford Lions Club
- Shelby, sponsored by Hangman Creek Chamber of Commerce
- Natalie, sponsored by Rockford Women's Club
- Kati, sponsored by McIntosh Grance
- Alexis, sponsored by V.F.W. Post
Don Henderson was Master of Ceremonies and Kris Pttibone and Amanda Miller were the Royalty Committee. Contest sponsors were Bank of Fairfield and St. John Hardware of Fairfield, Washington. McIntosh Grange provided use of their facility and 20 contributors were recognized on the Program attendees received. Northwest Images and Shepherd Photos were also recognized for the portraits of the Royalty.