The Run Whatch Brung motorcyle street race held in Oldtown, Idaho to raise fund for veterans was a resounding [no pun intended] success yesterday.
Mike Lovas, sponsor of the annual event shared the following.
"The big weekend event in Old Town was significantly larger (judged by numbers of people) than last year. We seem to grow about 50% each year.
"I thought you might want to have access to the photos I took. I thought the easiest way to post them was to add a page on my own personal website.
"I love capturing people, smiles, kids and dogs. To me, the event is the people, and the bike drags were just a reason to bring the people together. You know, you can only watch so many drags before they start to look and sound alike.
"This event is especially wonderful for me because the energy and attitude is so very positive. I didn't set out looking for that, it just appeared in most of the images. And, I didn't direct anyone to smile. They just naturally did it."