Thursday, June 5, 2014

First Annual 18-Hole Golf Scramble - Colfax, Washington June 14, 2014


 FIRST Annual

18-Hole Golf Scramble

Saturday, June 14, 2014 at the

Colfax Country Club

8:00AM Sign in, 9:00AM Shotgun Start

Teams should consist of four people. 

Entry fee is $136.00 per team*

Proceeds go towards VIKING CREW

Prizes awarded for:

1)  Winning Team

2)  Longest Drive – Men & Women

3)  Longest Putt – Men & Women

4)  Closest to the pin – Men & Women

We will have a concession cart roaming the greens with food and non-alcoholic beverages.  Any other beverages must be purchased at the club house.

Participants should keep in mind that integrity, etiquette and the ability to have fun is a must.  Remember, this is for our youth!

Contact Ken or Rochelle Pedersen at 878-1639.  Last day to sign up is JUNE 14, 2014 – limited to 12 teams.

*Includes Green Fees, cart is extra.  Entry fee is due at sign-in.

Palouse Patchers Quilting Club Meets 1st Tuesday of the Month

Palouse Patchers is a quilting group based in the Inland Pacific Northwest community of Moscow, Idaho. We have approximately 175 members of all ages, who come from the surrounding communities of the Palouse region of Eastern Washington and Northern Idaho. The Palouse is a region of rolling hills covered in their own patchwork of farmlands.

Monthly meetings are held on the first Tuesday of the month, September through December, and February through June. We meet at the Latah Country Fairgrounds Exhibit Building at 1021 Harold Street, Moscow, ID. Social hour begins at 6:30 and the meeting begins at 7PM.

Click here to see the newsletters, and download the most recent newsletter!